I'm totally confused help please?!?

In 1990, 253 million people visited theme parks in the United States. In 2000, the number of visitors increased to 317 million people. What was the percent of increase?

317 - 253 = 64

64/253 = 0.25296 = 25.3%


Thank You!! i see what i did wrong now... i wanted to find out what the percentage for 64 was so i divided it by 100 so i got a really diffrent and wrong number! Thanks for clearing this up for me! ;)

You're very welcome.

In 1990, 253 million people visited theme parks in the United States. In 2000, the number of visitors increased to 317 million people. What was the percent of increase?

To find the percent increase, you can use the following formula:

Percent Increase = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

In this case, the old value is the number of visitors in 1990, which is 253 million people, and the new value is the number of visitors in 2000, which is 317 million people.

Using the formula, we can calculate the percent increase:

Percent Increase = ((317 million - 253 million) / 253 million) * 100

= (64 million / 253 million) * 100

To simplify the calculation, you can cancel out the common factor of million:

Percent Increase = (64 / 253) * 100

= 0.252 * 100

= 25.2%

Therefore, the percent increase in the number of visitors from 1990 to 2000 is 25.2%.