A chain of ocean waves crests at 35m apart , 15 miles/hr. What is the frequency of the waves?


change miles/hr to meters/second, then solve for frequency.

To find the frequency of the waves, we need to use the formula:

frequency = speed / wavelength

First, let's convert the given values to a consistent unit.

- Distance between crests (wavelength) = 35m
- Speed of the waves = 15 miles/hr

To calculate the frequency, we need to ensure that the units are consistent. Let's convert the speed from miles per hour to meters per hour, since the wavelength is given in meters.

1 mile = 1609.34 meters (approximately)
1 hour = 3600 seconds (60 minutes * 60 seconds)

Converting the speed:
15 miles/hr * 1609.34 meters/mile = 24140.1 meters/hr

Now that we have the speed in meters per hour, we can calculate the frequency.

frequency = 24140.1 meters/hr / 35 meters

Since we want the frequency per unit time, we need to divide by the number of seconds in an hour:

frequency = (24140.1 meters/hr / 35 meters) / 3600 seconds

Evaluating this expression will give us the frequency in waves per second.