Which of the following sentences displays an INCORRECT use of interjections?

A.No, I have not told Laura about the surprise!

B.Great! I will make a reservation for the restaurant right away.

C.Well, now that I think about it, maybe we should choose another date for the dinner.

I know for a fact C uses an interjection properly, but I'm not too sure on the others. I think the answer is C, but I saw examples in my book that used both "well" and "no" as interjections in the exact same way! Help please :)

Using interjections gets into a gray area of grammar. But I could argue that A is incorrect.

You were right, the answer was A, thank you!

How do I classify the following sentence adding interjections:

SNV/P1 1.Oh, no! Roberto stepped(on a sharp rock!)Imp


To determine which of the sentences displays an incorrect use of interjections, let's first understand what interjections are. Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotions or sudden reactions and are typically followed by an exclamation mark or a comma. They can indicate various emotions such as surprise, joy, disappointment, or agreement.

Let's analyze each of the sentences:

A. "No, I have not told Laura about the surprise!"
In this sentence, "no" is used as an interjection to express denial or disagreement. This usage is correct, as it expresses a sudden reaction or emotion. Thus, option A is not the incorrect use of an interjection.

B. "Great! I will make a reservation for the restaurant right away."
In this sentence, "Great!" is used as an interjection to express enthusiasm or delight. This usage is also correct and accurately conveys a sudden reaction or emotion. So, option B is not the incorrect use of an interjection.

C. "Well, now that I think about it, maybe we should choose another date for the dinner."
In this sentence, "well" is used as a discourse marker and not as an interjection. A discourse marker is used to indicate a pause or to introduce new information. Although "well" might be mistaken as an interjection in some spoken English contexts, in this specific sentence, it does not express a strong emotion or reaction. Therefore, option C is the incorrect use of an interjection.

To summarize, the sentence that displays an incorrect use of an interjection is C, as "well" is not an interjection but a discourse marker in this sentence.