I am a 2- digit number . The sum of my digits is 12 . My tens digit is 4 more than my ones digit. What number am I ?

Which of these digits add up to 12?

40, 51, 62, 73, 84, 95



To find the number, we need to use the information given: the sum of the digits is 12, and the tens digit is 4 more than the ones digit.

Let's represent the tens digit as "T" and the ones digit as "O."

From the given information, we have two equations:

1. T + O = 12 (the sum of the digits is 12)
2. T = O + 4 (the tens digit is 4 more than the ones digit)

We can solve these equations to find the values of T and O.

From equation 2, we can substitute T in equation 1 with O + 4:

(O + 4) + O = 12
2O + 4 = 12
2O = 12 - 4
2O = 8
O = 8 / 2
O = 4

Now we know that the ones digit is 4. Substituting this value into equation 2, we can find T:

T = O + 4
T = 4 + 4
T = 8

So the tens digit is 8.

Therefore, the number is 84.