a school cafeteria sells milk at 25 cents per carton and salads at 45 cents each. one week the total sales for these items were $132.50. How many salads were sold that week?

To determine the number of salads sold, we need to set up equations based on the given information. Let's assume the number of milk cartons sold is 'x' and the number of salads sold is 'y'.

Price of each milk carton is 25 cents.
Price of each salad is 45 cents.
The total sales for both items for one week is $132.50.

We can set up the following equations based on the given information:

1. The total revenue from milk cartons: 25x cents
2. The total revenue from salads: 45y cents
3. The total revenue from both items: 25x + 45y = $132.50

Now, to find the number of salads sold, we need to solve this equation. Here's how we can do it:

1. Rearrange the equation: 25x + 45y = 13250 cents
2. Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to simplify: 5x + 9y = 2650
3. Assume reasonable values for 'x' and solve for 'y'. Let's assume x = 10 (for example):
5(10) + 9y = 2650
50 + 9y = 2650
9y = 2600
y = 2600 / 9 = 288.89

Since we're dealing with discrete quantities (number of salads), we need to round the decimal result to the nearest whole number. Therefore, approximately 289 salads were sold that week.