Which of the following is an organic molecule? A. Oxygen gas B. Sucrose C. Iron oxide D. Water

sucrose, sugar

Which of the following is an organic molecule? A. Oxygen gas B. Sucrose C. Iron oxide D. Water

To determine which of the following is an organic molecule, we need to understand what organic molecules are. Organic molecules are compounds that contain carbon and are typically found in living organisms. They often have covalent bonds between carbon atoms and other atoms such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements.

Let's analyze the options provided:

A. Oxygen gas (O2): Oxygen gas is an inorganic molecule, as it does not contain carbon. It is composed of two oxygen atoms and is not commonly found in organic compounds.

B. Sucrose (C12H22O11): Sucrose is an organic molecule. It is a type of sugar, commonly found in plants, and consists of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms.

C. Iron oxide (Fe2O3): Iron oxide is an inorganic molecule and does not contain carbon. It is a compound composed of iron (Fe) and oxygen (O) atoms.

D. Water (H2O): Water is also an inorganic molecule and does not contain carbon. It consists of two hydrogen (H) atoms bonded to one oxygen (O) atom.

Based on the definitions and composition of organic molecules, the correct answer is B. Sucrose. It is the only option that contains carbon atoms and is commonly found in living organisms.