Naomi draws a portion of a figure as shown. She wants to construct a line segment through R that makes the same angle with as .

It would be c

To construct a line segment through point R that makes the same angle with line AB as line CD, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw line AB and line CD, making sure they intersect at point R.

2. Using a compass, place the needle on point R and draw an arc that intersects line AB. This arc will be the same distance away from point R as the distance between points R and C.

3. Without adjusting the compass, place the needle on point R again and draw another arc intersecting line CD. This arc will be the same distance away from point R as the distance between points R and D.

4. Draw a line segment connecting the intersection points of the two arcs with lines AB and CD.

The resulting line segment through point R will make the same angle with line AB as line CD, as desired.