1. Did Benedict Arnold help the Americans or British when fighting for Independence?

2. Did Jorge Farragut help the Americans or British?

1. Both
2. Americans


To determine whether Benedict Arnold helped the Americans or British during the fight for Independence, we need to look at historical records.

1. Benedict Arnold initially fought for the Americans as a general during the American Revolutionary War. He played a significant role in several key battles, such as the Battle of Saratoga, where he demonstrated his military skills and contributed to American victories. However, due to a combination of factors, including feeling underappreciated and financial stress, Arnold eventually switched sides and became a traitor to the American cause. In 1780, he conspired with the British to surrender the fort at West Point, which he was in charge of protecting. Although his plan was discovered, Arnold managed to escape to the British side, where he fought against his former compatriots until the end of the war. Therefore, to answer the question, Benedict Arnold initially helped the Americans but ultimately switched sides to assist the British.

2. Jorge Farragut, on the other hand, was a Spanish sailor who helped the Americans during the War of Independence. He fought as a lieutenant in the Spanish Navy and played a crucial role in supporting the Americans in their struggle for independence. In 1781, Farragut participated in the Battle of Pensacola, where Spanish and American forces joined together to defeat the British. His contribution and support for the American cause clearly show that Jorge Farragut helped the Americans during the war.

To find reliable information on historical events like these, you can consult historical documents, books, articles, and reputable websites that specialize in American history or the specific time period you're interested in. Be sure to cross-reference multiple sources for accurate and comprehensive information.