From a point on a straight road. Pablo and Kelsey ride bicycles in the same direction. Pablo rides 12mph and Kelsey ride 14mph. How many hours will they be 9 miles apart

they separate at 2mi/hr

Assuming they started from the same position, they would be 9 mi apart in 9/2 hours

To find the number of hours it will take for Pablo and Kelsey to be 9 miles apart, you can use the concept of relative speed.

Relative speed is the combined speed of two objects moving in the same direction. In this case, the relative speed between Pablo and Kelsey is the difference between their individual speeds:

Relative speed = Kelsey's speed - Pablo's speed = 14 mph - 12 mph = 2 mph

Now that we know their relative speed, we can divide the distance they need to travel (9 miles) by the relative speed to find the time it takes for them to be 9 miles apart:

Time = Distance / Relative speed = 9 miles / 2 mph = 4.5 hours

Therefore, it will take Pablo and Kelsey 4.5 hours to be 9 miles apart.