your internet provider offers two different plans. one plan costs $0.02 per email plus a $9 monthly service charge. the other plan costs $0.05 per email with no service charge. write a system of equations to model the cost of the two internet plans.

To model the cost of the two internet plans, we can create a system of equations.

Let's assume that "x" represents the number of emails sent in a given month.

For the first plan, the cost consists of a $9 monthly service charge plus $0.02 per email. Therefore, the cost can be represented as:

Cost of Plan 1 = $9 + $0.02x

For the second plan, there is no service charge, but the cost is $0.05 per email. So, the cost can be represented as:

Cost of Plan 2 = $0.05x

The system of equations representing the cost of the two internet plans is:

Cost of Plan 1 = $9 + $0.02x

Cost of Plan 2 = $0.05x