Find the product or quotient. Write the strategy you used. Write model, break apart, multiplication table, inverse operation pattern, or doubles. 56/7=8 and 36/9=4 and I need help showing the strategy used. Please help thank you.

I'd use the division facts I'd learned -- perhaps with back up from a multiplication table.

I might check my answer with a calculator.

To find the product or quotient in this case, we will focus on the division problems 56/7=8 and 36/9=4.

To determine the strategy used, we can analyze the numbers being divided and see if we can identify any patterns or relationships.

For the first problem, 56/7=8, we can use the model strategy. We can represent 56 as an array or grid of 56 divided into seven equal groups to find the result.

To do this, draw a grid or array with seven columns. Then, divide 56 equally among the seven columns. Count the number of items in each column to determine the quotient. In this case, each column will have eight items, so the quotient is 8.

For the second problem, 36/9=4, we can use the break apart strategy. We will break apart the dividend (36) into groups of the divisor (9) until we have none left.

Start by subtracting 9 from 36: 36 - 9 = 27.
Subtract 9 from 27: 27 - 9 = 18.
Subtract 9 from 18: 18 - 9 = 9.
Subtract 9 from 9: 9 - 9 = 0.

We have reached 0, so we know that we were able to break apart 36 into four groups of 9. Therefore, the quotient is 4.

In summary, the strategy used for the first problem was the model strategy, and the strategy used for the second problem was the break apart strategy.