1)Which of the following contributes most to the mystery of “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”?

A. the breaking of the hangman's noose

B. the shooting by the Union sentries

C. Farquhar's underwater struggle

D. the order in which events occur

i think its "C" :D

2)Under which type of irony would you classify Josephine's fear that her sister will “make herself ill” by grieving alone in her room?

A. situational

B. dramatic

C. verbal

D. none of the above

i think "B" :)

I agree with you about your first answer.

I don't know what story or poem or book you're referring to in your second question.

2 is B. dramatic

To find the correct answer for each question, we can analyze the options and consider the context of the story.

1) In the story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," the element that contributes the most to the mystery is the order in which events occur (option D). The story uses a non-linear narrative structure, presenting events out of chronological order, which creates suspense and ambiguity. This unconventional storytelling technique keeps the reader guessing and enhances the sense of mystery throughout the narrative. So, the correct answer is D.

2) The type of irony that is present in Josephine's fear that her sister will "make herself ill" by grieving alone in her room is situational irony (option A). Situational irony occurs when the outcome or situation is contrary to what was expected. In this case, Josephine fears that her sister will become physically ill due to her grief, but the reality is that her sister experiences joy and relief upon her husband's return, leading to her unexpected death from the shock. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

Well done for your answers!