Flying with no wind, a plane makes a 600 km trip in 3h. On the return trip, the plane flies with a 50 km/h tailwind. What is the total trip time?

3s = 600

s = 200 -- plane's still-air speed

600/(200+50) = 2.4

3 hours out + 2.4 hours back = 5.4 hours

To find the total trip time, we need to consider the time taken for the outbound trip and the time taken for the return trip.

Let's first calculate the time taken for the outbound trip. We know that the plane traveled a distance of 600 km in 3 hours. Therefore, the speed of the plane (with no wind) can be calculated by dividing the distance by the time:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 600 km / 3 h
Speed = 200 km/h

Now, let's consider the return trip. The plane flew with a tailwind, which means its effective speed is increased by the speed of the wind. If the tailwind's speed is 50 km/h, then the plane's effective speed for the return trip would be:

Effective Speed = Plane Speed + Tailwind Speed
Effective Speed = 200 km/h + 50 km/h
Effective Speed = 250 km/h

To calculate the time taken for the return trip, we need to use the formula Distance = Speed * Time. Rearranging the formula, we can solve for time:

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 600 km / 250 km/h
Time = 2.4 hours

Now, to find the total trip time, we need to add the time taken for the outbound trip and the time taken for the return trip:

Total Trip Time = Outbound Trip Time + Return Trip Time
Total Trip Time = 3 hours + 2.4 hours
Total Trip Time = 5.4 hours

Therefore, the total trip time, considering both the outbound and return trips, is 5.4 hours.