How to use a number line to round 148 to the nearest ten.

Round it to the nearest number that ends in 0.

To use a number line to round 148 to the nearest ten, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw a number line with increments of ten. Start with a number slightly below 148, such as 140, and end with a number slightly above 148, such as 150.

-10 0 10 20 ... 140 150 160 ...

2. Locate the number 148 on the number line. It should be closer to either 140 or 150.

3. Determine which of the two adjacent tens (140 or 150) 148 is closest to. In this case, 148 is closer to 150.

4. Round 148 to the nearest ten, which is 150.

So, using a number line, you can determine that 148 rounded to the nearest ten is 150.