Number Theory


To solve this number theory problem, we need to find the missing numbers indicated by the blank spaces. Let's break down the given expression:


We can see that the numbers are increasing by a certain pattern. Let's analyze the pattern between the numbers.

From 4 to __, there is an increase of 11.
From __ to 15, there is an increase of 10.
From 15 to __, there is an increase of 10.
From __ to 25, there is an increase of 10.

Therefore, we can deduce that the pattern for the increases is as follows:
11, 10, 10.

Now, let's use this pattern to find the missing numbers.

Starting with 4, the first blank will be 4 + 11 = 15.
Moving forward, 15 + 10 = 25, which is the value of the second blank.
Finally, 25 + 10 = 35, which completes the expression.

So, to summarize:
The missing numbers are 15 and 25, following the pattern of 11, 10, 10 for the increases.

Using this same pattern, you can continue the sequence by adding 10 to 35 to find the next number.