Eddie buys 100 sheets of heavyweight paper to make a notebook. He places 1/4 of the sheets in a section for English and 1/3 of the reamining sheets in a section for math. Which section is thicker if the 100 sheets of heavyweight paper is 2/5 in per 100 sheets?

1/3 is larger than 1/4

I do understand that, but if he uses 1/4 of the paper for the english section and 1/3 of the paper of the other 3/4 for the math section. How would I show this.

I didn't read the problem carefully. :-(

(1/3) * (3/4) = 3/12 = 1/4

Both sections are the same size.

To determine which section is thicker, we need to calculate the number of sheets of paper in each section.

First, let's find out how many sheets Eddie places in the section for English. We know that 1/4 of the sheets are placed in this section. To calculate that, we can use the formula:

Number of sheets for English = Total number of sheets * 1/4

Substituting the given values, we have:

Number of sheets for English = 100 * 1/4
Number of sheets for English = 25

Therefore, Eddie places 25 sheets in the section for English.

Now, let's find out how many sheets are remaining after placing the sheets for English. We can calculate that by subtracting the number of sheets for English from the total number of sheets:

Remaining sheets = Total number of sheets - Number of sheets for English

Substituting the values, we get:

Remaining sheets = 100 - 25
Remaining sheets = 75

Next, Eddie places 1/3 of the remaining sheets in the section for math. We can use the same formula as before:

Number of sheets for math = Remaining sheets * 1/3

Substituting the values, we have:

Number of sheets for math = 75 * 1/3
Number of sheets for math = 25

Therefore, Eddie places 25 sheets in the section for math.

Finally, we need to compare the thickness of each section. We know that the total thickness of 100 sheets of heavyweight paper is 2/5 inch. Let's calculate the thickness of each section.

Thickness of English section = Thickness per sheet * Number of sheets for English

Substituting the values, we get:

Thickness of English section = (2/5) * 25
Thickness of English section = 10/5
Thickness of English section = 2 inches

Thickness of Math section = Thickness per sheet * Number of sheets for math

Substituting the values, we get:

Thickness of Math section = (2/5) * 25
Thickness of Math section = 10/5
Thickness of Math section = 2 inches

Therefore, both the English and Math sections have the same thickness, which is 2 inches.