Write a brief paragraph describing the distribution of the variables, Population in thousands (populatn) and the average female life expectancy (lifeexpf) for the countries.

Descriptive Statistics
Population in thousands Average female life expectancy Valid N (listwise)
N 109 109 109

Minimum 256 43

Maximum 1205200 82

Mean 47723.88 70.16

Std. Dev 146726.364 10.572

Skewness.231 .231
6.592 -1.109

Kurtosis.459 .459
46.651 .213

The distribution of the variable "Population in thousands" (populatn) for the countries ranges from a minimum value of 256 thousand to a maximum value of 1,205,200 thousand. The average population is approximately 47,724 thousand, with a standard deviation of 146,726 thousand. The distribution is positively skewed, with a skewness value of 6.592. The kurtosis value indicates that the distribution is leptokurtic, meaning it has heavy tails.

Regarding the variable "Average female life expectancy" (lifeexpf), the distribution ranges from a minimum value of 43 years to a maximum value of 82 years. The average life expectancy for females is around 70.16 years, with a standard deviation of 10.572 years. The distribution is negatively skewed, as indicated by a skewness value of -1.109. The kurtosis value suggests that the distribution is slightly platykurtic, meaning it has lighter tails than the normal distribution.

These statistics give an overview of the distribution of the variables and their respective characteristics among the countries.

Based on the provided information, the distribution of the variable "Population in thousands" (populatn) is positively skewed. This means that most countries have relatively small populations, with a minimum of 256 thousand and a maximum of 1,205,200 thousand. The average population for all countries is approximately 47,724 thousand, with a standard deviation of 146,726 thousand.

For the variable "Average female life expectancy" (lifeexpf), the distribution appears to be approximately normally distributed, with a slightly negative skewness of -1.109. The minimum life expectancy for females in any country is 43 years, while the maximum is 82 years. The overall mean life expectancy for females is approximately 70.16 years, with a standard deviation of 10.572 years.

In summary, the distribution of population sizes is positively skewed, indicating that most countries have relatively small populations, while the distribution of average female life expectancy is approximately normally distributed, with a slightly negative skewness.