The following is the tabulated data of the monthly commissions of the sales employees at La Verne Inc. Establish the frequency distribution. Present the data in a histogram format, draw the frequency polygon and the ogive (or cumulative polygon)

The following is the tabulated data of the monthly commissions of the sales employees at La Verne Inc. Establish the frequency distribution. Present the data in a histogram format, draw the frequency polygon and the ogive (or cumulative polygon)

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Also we cannot draw histograms, frequency polygons or ogives on the message boards.

To establish the frequency distribution, you need to determine the frequency (number of occurrences) of each commission value in the given data.

Let's assume the tabulated data of monthly commissions for sales employees at La Verne Inc. is as follows:

Commission (in dollars):
$200, $300, $250, $350, $400, $350, $500, $600, $700, $800, $550, $350, $600, $250, $300, $400, $350, $450, $550, $650

Now, to create a frequency distribution, follow these steps:

1. Sort the data in ascending order:
$200, $250, $250, $300, $300, $350, $350, $350, $350, $400, $400, $450, $500, $550, $550, $600, $600, $650, $700, $800

2. Determine the range of the data:
Range = Maximum value - Minimum value
Range = $800 - $200 = $600

3. Choose the number of classes or bins you want to divide the data into. The number of classes should be between 5 and 20, depending on the size of the data set. For this example, let's choose 5 classes.

4. Calculate the width of each class, which is the range divided by the number of classes:
Class Width = Range / Number of Classes

In this case, Class Width = $600 / 5 = $120

5. Create the frequency distribution table, where you list the ranges (class intervals) and count the number of data points falling within each range:

Class Interval (Commission Range) | Frequency
$200 - $319 | X
$320 - $439 | X
$440 - $559 | X
$560 - $679 | X
$680 - $800 | X

To determine the X (frequency) for each class interval, count the number of commission values falling within that range.

6. Finally, present the data in a histogram format, with the class intervals on the x-axis and the frequencies on the y-axis. Each bar should represent the frequency for its corresponding class interval.

To draw the frequency polygon and the ogive (cumulative polygon), you can use the frequency distribution table to plot the cumulative frequencies. The frequency polygon shows the distribution of the individual frequencies, while the ogive displays the cumulative frequencies.

I hope this explanation helps you create the frequency distribution, histogram, frequency polygon, and ogive for the given data.