Following report shows a grade report that is mailed to students at the end of each semester. Prepare an E-R

diagram reflecting the data contained in the Grade Report. Assume that each course is taught by one instructor.


NAME: Emily Williams ID: 2683000458
CAMPUS ADDRESS: 208 Brooks Hall
MAJOR: Information systems

IS 350 Database Mgt. Codd B104 A
IS465 System Analysis Parsons B317 B

To prepare an Entity-Relationship (E-R) diagram reflecting the data contained in the Grade Report, we need to identify the entities and their relationships.

1. Student: Contains details about the student, such as name, ID, campus address, and major.
2. Course: Contains details about the course, such as course ID and course title.
3. Instructor: Contains details about the instructor, such as instructor ID, instructor name, and location.

1. Enrolls: Represents the enrollment of a student in a course.
2. Teaches: Represents the instruction of a course by an instructor.
3. Grades: Represents the grade received by a student in a course.

Based on the provided information in the Grade Report, we can create the following E-R diagram:

| Student |
| |
| |
+-- Enrolls --+ +-- Teaches --+
+---| |---+
| | | |
| v v |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| Course | | Instructor |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| ^ ^ |
| | | |
+---| |---+
+-- Grades ------------------------+

In this E-R diagram, each entity is represented by a rectangle, and the relationships between entities are represented by lines connecting them. The cardinality of each relationship can be indicated by adding crow's foot notations or labels on the lines.

In the "Enrolls" relationship, each student can enroll in multiple courses, but each course can have multiple students enrolled. This relationship is represented by a many-to-many relationship.

In the "Teaches" relationship, each instructor can teach multiple courses, but each course can have only one instructor. This relationship is represented by a one-to-many relationship.

In the "Grades" relationship, each student can receive grades in multiple courses, and each course can have multiple students who received grades. This relationship is also a many-to-many relationship.

Note: This E-R diagram is a basic representation based on the given information. Depending on the additional requirements and complexities of the system, the diagram may need to be expanded or modified.