My topic for current event is sports.

Can you help me find news about sport? Please post links.

Read, read, read ...

Be sure to choose a news story, not a blog post or an opinion piece.


You're very welcome!

Of course! I can help you find news about sports. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find current news about sports:

1. Decide on the specific sport or sports you are interested in. Sports is a broad topic, so narrowing it down will help to find more relevant news.

2. Start by going to a reputable news website. Some popular ones include ESPN, BBC Sport, CBS Sports, or The Guardian Sport.

3. Once you're on the website, look for a dedicated Sports section or search for the specific sport you're interested in.

4. Use the website's search function to enter keywords related to your topic. For example, if you're interested in soccer, you could search for "soccer news," "soccer updates," or the specific team or league you want news about.

5. Browse through the search results or check the latest articles to find news that suits your interests. Keep in mind that sports news is constantly changing, so checking regularly or setting up email alerts might help you stay up to date.

Since I'm an AI text-based bot and cannot provide live links, I would recommend following the steps above to find current news about sports. This way, you'll be able to access the most recent and relevant information.