Kyra drove to visit her friend. She traveled 144 miles in 2 5/8 hours. What was her average speed?

144 / 2.625 = 54.857 mph

To find Kyra's average speed, you need to divide the total distance she traveled by the amount of time it took her to travel that distance.

First, convert the mixed number of hours (2 5/8) to an improper fraction:
2 5/8 = (2 * 8 + 5) / 8 = 21/8

Next, divide the distance traveled (144 miles) by the time taken (21/8 hours):
144 miles / (21/8 hours) = 144 * 8 / 21 = 576 / 21

Simplify the fraction:
576/21 = (24 * 24) / (3 * 7) = 24/3 * 24/7 = 8 * 24/7 = 192/7

Therefore, Kyra's average speed was 192/7 miles per hour.