What is the rule for:

Domain: 1, 3, 5, 7
Range: 1, 2, 3, 4



The rule that relates the given domain and range is a one-to-one mapping. In this specific case, each value in the domain maps uniquely to a value in the range.

To determine the rule, let's look at the pattern between the corresponding elements in the domain and range:

1 -> 1
3 -> 2
5 -> 3
7 -> 4

From this pattern, we see that for each element in the domain, we subtract 1 to obtain the corresponding element in the range. Therefore, the rule for this particular domain and range is to subtract 1 from the domain values to get the range values.

This means that if we are given a number from the domain, say 3, by subtracting 1, we can determine the corresponding number in the range, which in this case is 2. Similarly, if we have a number from the range, we can add 1 to find the corresponding number in the domain.

It's important to note that in other cases, the rule relating the domain and range might not be as straightforward. You may need to analyze the given values further or rely on additional information to determine the rule.