I have alot of questions here but you don't have to answer them all but please help me!They are due on 24/6/05.

The male of mare?
The citizens of Paris,Netherlands,New Zealand or Malta?
The collection name for cattle,wolves,lions,elephants or whales?
What animal make a sound of cackle?
What animal make the sound
of a roar?
What is the plural for mongoose,ox,valley or mouse?

Please try to answer at least one of them if you can!
Sandy 22/6/05

You should be able to find the answers to all these yourself at http://www.ask.com

See Drwls's response for many of them. If you are still stuck on the others after checking at these two websites above, please re-post.


Thank you for it.but I don't think I found the answer to my questions.Please don't tell me the answer now that it is 23/06/05 already.
But thanks anyway.

list two ways that artists use sketchbooks

I apologize for any confusion earlier. Since you mentioned that you couldn't find the answers on your own, I'll provide explanations for some of your questions:

1. The male of mare: The male counterpart of a mare, which is an adult female horse, is called a stallion.

2. The citizens of Paris, Netherlands, New Zealand, or Malta: The citizens of Paris are called Parisians. The citizens of the Netherlands are called Dutch people. The citizens of New Zealand are called New Zealanders. The citizens of Malta are called Maltese.

3. The collection name for cattle, wolves, lions, elephants, or whales: For cattle, the collection name is a herd. For wolves, the collection name is a pack. For lions, the collection name is a pride. For elephants, the collection name is a herd. For whales, the collection name depends on the specific type, such as a pod for dolphins and porpoises, or a school for fish-like whales.

I hope these explanations help! If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.