what are the four step in solveing an equation? I thought it was "pemdas" but i was woprnd is that just one of the steps?

The four steps to solve an equation are not related to the "pemdas" acronym, which stands for the order of operations when simplifying expressions. However, the order of operations is an important concept to understand when solving equations. Let me explain the four steps to solve an equation:

1. Simplify both sides of the equation: Start by simplifying each side of the equation separately. Combine like terms and use the order of operations to simplify any expressions present.

2. Get rid of any fractions: If there are fractions in the equation, eliminate them by multiplying both sides of the equation by the denominator (the bottom part of the fraction) to clear the fraction.

3. Move variables to one side, constants to the other: To isolate the variable, move all terms containing the variable to one side of the equation and all constants to the other side. Use addition or subtraction to move terms, ensuring that you perform the same operation on both sides of the equation to keep it balanced.

4. Solve for the variable: Once the equation is simplified and the variable is isolated, solve for the variable by performing the necessary operations to both sides of the equation, following the order of operations. This may involve multiplication, division, addition, or subtraction.

Remember, the goal is to find the value(s) of the variable that satisfy the equation, and it is crucial to perform the same operations on both sides of the equation to maintain equality.

While "pemdas" is not directly related to solving equations, it is essential to understand the order of operations when simplifying expressions within equations.