Please check these! Physical or Chemical properties?

1. solubility = physical
2. melting point = physical
3. reacts with water to form a gas = physical

Let's check the properties you provided to determine if they are physical or chemical properties:

1. Solubility: Solubility refers to the ability of a substance (solute) to dissolve in another substance (solvent) to form a homogeneous mixture. Solubility is a physical property because it describes the behavior of a substance without any chemical changes occurring. Therefore, solubility is indeed a physical property.

2. Melting Point: The melting point is the temperature at which a solid substance changes phase and becomes a liquid. Like solubility, the melting point is a physical property because it describes a characteristic of a substance that does not involve any chemical reactions. As such, melting point is correctly identified as a physical property.

3. Reacts with water to form a gas: This property describes a chemical reaction that occurs between a substance and water, resulting in the formation of a gas. Chemical reactions involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds, causing a change in the substance's composition. Therefore, "reacts with water to form a gas" is a chemical property.

In summary:
1. Solubility = Physical property
2. Melting point = Physical property
3. Reacts with water to form a gas = Chemical property