I really need help on this question:

Determine whether each conjecture is true or false.Give a counterexample for any false conjecture.
Conjecture:W,X,Y are collinear.

To determine whether the conjecture is true or false, we first need to understand what it means for three points to be collinear. Points are collinear if they all lie on the same line.

Now, given the statement Wx = XY, we can interpret it as point X lying between points W and Y on a line.

To test the conjecture that W, X, and Y are collinear, we need to check if all three points lie on the same line.

However, without further information or a diagram, it is impossible to definitively determine whether the conjecture is true or false.

To give a counterexample for a false conjecture, we would need to find a specific scenario where Wx = XY, but W, X, and Y are not collinear.

Since we lack any concrete information, a valid counterexample cannot be provided at this point.