Given --->VY bisects <TVZ.

--->ZY bisects <TZV.
<TVZ =~ <TZV
Conclusion: <3 =~ <1

1-3 given

Conclusion angle 3 is congruent to angle 1. Vertical angles are congruent

To determine the conclusion <3 =~ <1, we need to analyze the given information step by step.

From the given information:
VY bisects angle TVZ.
ZY bisects angle TZV.
We also know that angle TVZ is congruent to angle TZV.

Let's denote angle TVZ as angle 1 and angle TZV as angle 2.

Based on the given information, we have:
VY bisects angle 1 (TVZ) and ZY bisects angle 2 (TZV).

When a line bisects an angle, it divides the angle into two congruent angles.

So, we can conclude that angle VYX is congruent to angle ZYX (as they both bisect angle 1) and angle XZY is congruent to angle XZV (as they both bisect angle 2).

Thus, we have:
Angle VYX congruent to angle ZYX (angle 3) and angle XZY congruent to angle XZV (angle 1).

Hence, the conclusion is:
Angle 3 (VYX) is congruent to angle 1 (TZV).

Therefore, <3 =~ <1.