Find words in the word bank that are the opposite of the words in CAPS.

The work bank is the same.

sailing across the TINY ocean

knew when to KINDLE the torch

EXPAND the bundle to fit

was certain to GLADDEN the passengers

reason to ACCLAIM the winner

Right again! You're doing great!

To find words in the word bank that are the opposite of the given words in caps, we can start by identifying the meanings of the capitalized words.

1. "Sailing across the TINY ocean” - The opposite of tiny could be something like "large" or "big." Let's look for words in the word bank that convey this meaning.

2. "Knew when to KINDLE the torch" - The opposite of kindle, which means to start or ignite, could be a word that means to extinguish or put out. Let's search for words in the word bank that fit this meaning.

3. "EXPAND the bundle to fit" - The opposite of expand is "compress" or "shrink." We can look for words in the word bank that convey this opposite meaning.

4. "Was certain to GLADDEN the passengers" - The opposite of gladden, which means to make someone happy or pleased, could be a word that means to annoy or irritate. Let's search for words in the word bank that fit this meaning.

5. "Reason to ACCLAIM the winner" - The opposite of acclaim, which means to praise or applaud, could be a word that means to criticize or condemn. Let's look for words in the word bank that convey this opposite meaning.

By searching for words in the word bank that have opposite meanings to the capitalized words, we can find the desired answers.

Here are the words in the word bank that are opposite to the words in CAPS:

sailing across the TINY ocean
Opposite: IMMENSE

knew when to KINDLE the torch
Opposite: DOUSE

EXPAND the bundle to fit
Opposite: COMPRESS

was certain to GLADDEN the passengers
Opposite: IRK

reason to ACCLAIM the winner
Opposite: DENOUNCE