One bottle contains 2 1/2 times as much water as another bottle. The larger bottle contains 15 ounces. How much does the smaller bottle contain?

15 / 2.5 = ?

To find out how much water the smaller bottle contains, we need to solve the ratio between the larger bottle and the smaller bottle.

Let's denote the amount of water in the smaller bottle as "x" ounces.

According to the given information, the larger bottle contains 2 1/2 times as much water as the smaller bottle, which means the ratio of the larger bottle to the smaller bottle is 2 1/2 : 1.

We can express this ratio as a fraction: 2 1/2 is equivalent to 5/2.

So, the ratio of the larger bottle to the smaller bottle is 5/2 : 1.

Now, we can set up a proportion to solve for "x":

(15 ounces) / (x ounces) = (5/2) / 1

To solve the proportion, we cross multiply:

(15 ounces) * 1 = (5/2) * (x ounces)

15 ounces = (5/2) * (x ounces)

Now, we can solve for "x" by multiplying both sides of the equation by 2/5:

(15 ounces) * (2/5) = (5/2) * (x ounces) * (2/5)

6 ounces = x

Therefore, the smaller bottle contains 6 ounces of water.