HELP!! Which one is correct? Thanks!

El contrabandista ______________ por los federales esta tarde en su escondite en la costa de Florida.
A) se agarran
B) se agarro
C) fue agarrado
D) se agarra

A is wrong because it's plural

B is wrong because he didn't capture himself
D is wrong as in B and wrong tense

So, C: he was captured by the police

I agree with Steve.

To determine which option is correct, we need to consider the context of the sentence and the grammatical rules of the Spanish language.

The sentence states that the smuggler was caught by the federal agents in his hideout on the Florida coast this afternoon. We can assume that the smuggler, being the subject of the sentence, is the one being caught by the federal agents.

Now let's analyze the options:

A) "se agarran" - This option uses the reflexive pronoun "se" indicating a reciprocal action, which means that both the smuggler and the federal agents are catching each other. However, in this sentence, we have no indication that the federal agents are catching the smuggler.

B) "se agarro" - This option uses the reflexive pronoun "se," indicating that the smuggler is catching himself. However, this doesn't make sense in the context of the sentence.

C) "fue agarrado" - This option uses the passive voice, which is appropriate for expressing that the subject (the smuggler) received the action performed by someone else (the federal agents). This option makes sense grammatically and fits the context of the sentence.

D) "se agarra" - This option uses the reflexive pronoun "se," indicating that the smuggler is catching himself. Again, this doesn't make sense in the given context.

Therefore, the correct option is C) "fue agarrado," which translates to "was caught" in English.