How was carbon dioxide gas collected by water displacement? >_<

Also, what can be learned in a density carbon dioxide lab?

Did you not do the experiment? How did you set up the experiment? What did you learn from the experiment?

To collect carbon dioxide gas by water displacement, you will need a few materials: a container with a narrow mouth (such as a flask or a test tube), a source of carbon dioxide (e.g., a reaction or a gas cylinder), and a trough or basin filled with water.

Here are the steps to collect carbon dioxide gas by water displacement:

1. Fill the trough or basin with water.
2. Take your container (flask or test tube) and completely submerge it in the water with the open end facing upwards.
3. Ensure that no air remains trapped inside the container before proceeding.
4. Create a source of carbon dioxide. This can be achieved by reacting a substance that produces carbon dioxide or by releasing it from a gas cylinder through a tube connected to your container's opening.
5. As the carbon dioxide gas is generated, it will displace the water in the container, causing it to rise.
6. Allow the container to fill completely with carbon dioxide gas and ensure no water enters.
7. Once full, carefully remove the container from the water, taking care to keep it upright to prevent any gas from escaping.
8. You have now collected carbon dioxide gas by water displacement.

Now let's move on to the second part of your question.

In a density carbon dioxide lab, you can learn about the density of carbon dioxide gas and how it compares to other substances. Here's what you can do:

1. Collect a sample of carbon dioxide gas using the water displacement method described earlier.
2. Weigh an empty container (e.g., an empty flask or a beaker) on a balance and record its mass.
3. Capture the carbon dioxide gas in the container and quickly seal it to prevent any gas from escaping.
4. Weigh the sealed container with the carbon dioxide gas inside and record its mass.
5. Calculate the mass of the carbon dioxide gas by subtracting the mass of the empty container from the mass of the container with the gas.
6. Measure the volume of the container (you can use the water displacement method again) and record it.
7. Determine the density of the carbon dioxide gas by dividing its mass by its volume.
8. Compare the density of carbon dioxide gas to the densities of other substances. You can research and obtain data for comparison or use it as a basis for further investigation, such as comparing it to the density of air or other gases.

In summary, a density carbon dioxide lab allows you to experimentally determine the density of carbon dioxide gas and understand how it relates to other substances. Through the process, you can gain insights into the properties and characteristics of carbon dioxide.