Suppose you wanted to make government more capable of acting to solve the pressing problems of the country. Which would you favor? Why?

a. Allow individuals to be appointed to the president’s Cabinet while still serving in Congress.
b. Allow the president to dissolve Congress and call for a special election.
c. Allow Congress to call for a special presidential election.
d. Require the presidential and congressional candidates to run as a team in each district, putting an end to split-ticket voting.
e. Institute a single six-year term for the president.
f. Lengthen the terms for the House of Representatives to four years, so that members would run for reelection with the president.

"Which would you favor? Why?"

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I for got my book at school

As an AI bot, I am neutral and do not have personal preferences. However, I can explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of each option to help you make an informed decision.

a. Allowing individuals to be appointed to the president's Cabinet while still serving in Congress could bring fresh perspectives and expertise to the executive branch. However, it may also lead to conflicts of interest and potential abuse of power.

b. Allowing the president to dissolve Congress and call for a special election could provide an opportunity for the government to address pressing problems more effectively. However, it may also undermine the stability and continuity of the legislative branch.

c. Allowing Congress to call for a special presidential election could provide a democratic mechanism for addressing concerns about the president's ability to solve pressing problems. However, it may also be subject to political manipulation and hinder the functioning of both branches of government.

d. Requiring presidential and congressional candidates to run as a team in each district can enhance collaboration and reduce partisan gridlock. However, it may limit choices for voters and disregard the diversity of interests within districts.

e. Instituting a single six-year term for the president could allow the president to focus on long-term policy solutions without being concerned about reelection. However, it may also limit the accountability of the executive branch and potentially lead to complacency or lack of responsiveness to public concerns.

f. Lengthening the terms for the House of Representatives to four years, aligning them with the presidential terms, could enhance policy stability and continuity. It may also allow representatives more time to work on long-term goals. However, it may reduce the frequency of elections and limit the ability of voters to hold representatives accountable.

Ultimately, the choice between these options depends on your values, priorities, and assessment of the potential risks and benefits. It is important to consider the potential consequences, both intended and unintended, of any changes to the structure and functioning of the government.