subtract 345 from 678

To subtract 345 from 678, you can follow these steps:

1. Write down the number you want to subtract from, in this case, 678.
2. Write down the number you want to subtract, in this case, 345.
3. Start with the rightmost digits and subtract them. In this case, 8 minus 5 equals 3.
4. Move to the next digit from the right, which is the tens place. In this case, there is no digit in the tens place for 345, so you can consider it as 0. Subtracting 0 from 7 leaves 7.
5. Finally, subtract the remaining digit. In this case, 6 minus 3 equals 3.
6. Put the resulting digits together. In this example, 678 minus 345 equals 333.

So, 678 - 345 = 333.