40 North latitude and 160 west longitude

Pacific Oceann?
23 North latitude 5 East longitude
Sahara Desert?
10 South latitude and 76 west longitude
40 North latitude 135 East longitude
sea of japan?
80 north latitude 140 west longitude artic ocean?

To determine if a given set of coordinates corresponds to a specific location, you can refer to a map or use an online mapping tool. These tools allow you to input the latitude and longitude values and display the corresponding location on the map.

When you enter the coordinates 40 North latitude and 160 West longitude, you will find that it corresponds to a location in the Pacific Ocean. Similarly, the coordinates 23 North latitude and 5 East longitude point to the Sahara Desert.

For the coordinates 10 South latitude and 76 West longitude, you will find that it corresponds to Peru. Lastly, the coordinates 40 North latitude and 135 East longitude represent the Sea of Japan.

Lastly, the coordinates 80 North latitude and 140 West longitude correspond to the Arctic Ocean.

Remember, using maps or online mapping tools is the most accurate way to determine the location of specific coordinates.

23 North latitude 5 East longitude

Sahara Desert?

You probably should name the country for this one.

The others are correct.

Africa is a continent, not a country.

What country is at 23 North latitude 5 East longitude ?


Colorado. It's a small lake near Mount Ethel that is roughly circular

What two continents are between 40 degrees west longitude and 160 degrees west?

Africa then? :)