how can i turn this queswton ( yo estudiaba mis lecciones todos los dias) into a imperfect tense?

What you wrote is not a question, and estudiaba is already in imperfect tense.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. There are 4 ways to ask a question, the most common being inversion.

1. Straight word order with proper punctuatiion. ¿Yo estudiaba mis lecciones todos los días?
2. Straight word order with ¿no? at the end. Yo estudiaba mis leccions todos los días, ¿no?
3. Straight word order with ¿verdad? at the end. Yo estudiaba mis lecciones todos los días, ¿verdad?
4. With inversion, which means the verb + subject. ¿Estudiaba yo mis lecciones todos los días?


To turn the given sentence "Yo estudiaba mis lecciones todos los días" into the imperfect tense, you need to conjugate the verb "estudiar" in the imperfect form, which is used to describe ongoing or repetitive past actions. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Identify the verb in the sentence. In this case, the verb is "estudiar."

Step 2: Remove the -ar ending to get the verb stem. The stem of "estudiar" is "estudi-."

Step 3: Conjugate the stem in the imperfect tense. For the first-person singular form ("yo"), add the imperfect ending "-aba" to the stem. The resulting conjugation is "yo estudiaba."

Applying these steps, you transform "Yo estudiaba mis lecciones todos los días" into the imperfect tense, meaning "I used to study my lessons every day" or "I was studying my lessons every day."