Margarit liked to balance things. She balanced 3 pencil sharpeners and 2 one-gram blocks with a 100 gram weight and another one-gram block. She let x stand for the weight of one pencil sharpener and she claimed that x=30 grams. Was she correct?

3x + 2 = 101

Solve for x to answer your question.


To determine whether Margarit's claim is correct, we need to analyze the information provided.

Let's consider the balance of the objects she set up:

On one side, there are three pencil sharpeners, which we'll denote as 3x (since x represents the weight of one pencil sharpener).

On the other side, there are two one-gram blocks and a 100 gram weight, which totals (2 * 1) + 100 = 102 grams.

We can now equate the two sides of the balance:

3x = 102

To find the weight of one pencil sharpener (x), we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

3x/3 = 102/3
x = 34

Therefore, according to the information given, the weight of one pencil sharpener (x) is 34 grams, not 30 grams. Hence, Margarit's claim that x=30 grams is incorrect.