Who has finished the workshhet called "why should you look out for a pig that knows karate"? I need hrlp plz!!!


it might give you a porkchop



IT might give you a porkchop i got 100%

To help you find out who has finished the worksheet called "Why should you look out for a pig that knows karate," follow these steps:

1. Start by checking with your teacher or instructor. They will have access to the list of students who have completed the worksheet and can provide you with the necessary information.

2. If you are unable to reach your teacher, you can try asking your classmates or colleagues if they have finished the worksheet. They may know who has completed it or have some additional information.

3. You can also look for any record or sign-up sheet related to the worksheet. Sometimes, teachers or instructors use such methods to keep track of student progress. Check any online platforms, discussion boards, or class websites where the worksheet might have been shared or where students could indicate their completion.

Remember, it's important to reach out to your teacher or instructor first, as they will have the most accurate information regarding the completion of assignments in your class. They will be the best resource to help you with this specific question.

If you post a couple of the problems you don't know, someone will be glad to help you.