Are there any libraries online that you can read online without any download or payments??? And that have "recent" books?? I would appreciate it, thank you, Completeidiot13

No. Books that are still on copyright are not available for free. Authors need to make a living.

You can hunt, but most "recent" books are still under copyrights and their authors/publishers don't allow them to be available online free!

Here are a couple of suggestions, though.
1. Go to your local library ... or even better, your nearest college library ... and ask your questions there.
2. Go to and and and check them out.

Oh, well thanks anyways Ms. Sue. ☺ >_<

Thank you Writeacher!! >_<

Yes, there are several online libraries where you can read books without requiring any downloads or payments. One popular option is Project Gutenberg (, which offers over 60,000 free eBooks that are in the public domain. These books are generally older works with expired copyrights, but they include many classics.

To access books from Project Gutenberg, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Project Gutenberg website (
2. On the homepage, you can either browse the catalog or use the search bar to find specific books or authors.
3. Once you find a book you're interested in, click on its title to access the book's page.
4. On the book's page, you can read the book directly on the website by clicking on the "Read this book online" or "Read this HTML ebook online" link. Some books may also offer additional formats like EPUB or Kindle, which you can choose to download if you prefer.

Another online library that provides free access to a wide range of books is Open Library ( Open Library allows users to borrow and read more recently published books, but keep in mind that availability can vary and some books may have limited copies or restrictions on borrowing.

To use Open Library, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Open Library website (
2. Use the search bar or browse the categories to find the book you're looking for.
3. Once you find a book, click on its title to open its details page.
4. On the details page, you will find options to borrow the book in various formats. Click on the "Read" button to start reading the book online.

Both Project Gutenberg and Open Library are great resources for accessing free books online without any downloads or payments, but do keep in mind that "recent" books may be less commonly found in these collections due to copyright restrictions. However, you can still find a vast selection of classic literature, non-fiction, and other genres to explore.