Write 23 in base five

To write the number 23 in base five (also known as quinary), you need to convert it from base 10 (decimal) to base five.

Step 1: Divide the number 23 by 5.
- 23 ÷ 5 = 4 with a remainder of 3.

Step 2: Write the remainder as the rightmost digit of the base five number.
- The remainder is 3, so the rightmost digit is 3.

Step 3: Divide the quotient obtained in Step 1 by 5.
- 4 ÷ 5 = 0 with a remainder of 4.

Step 4: Write the remainder obtained in Step 3 as the next digit to the left.
- The remainder is 4, so the next digit to the left is 4.

Step 5: Since the quotient in Step 3 is 0, we stop dividing.

Putting it all together, the number 23 in base five is represented as 44.