how can you determine whether a sum of several numbers such as 13plus45plus24plus17 is even or odd?

add the last numbers in each number such as your example, 3+5+4+7 and if that's odd then the total is odd same for even

To determine whether a sum of several numbers, such as 13 + 45 + 24 + 17, is even or odd, you need to add up all the numbers and then examine the result. Here's how you can do it:

1. Add all the numbers together: 13 + 45 + 24 + 17 = 99.

2. Once you have the sum, you can check if it is even or odd. In mathematics, an even number can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder, while an odd number will leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.

3. To determine if the sum is even or odd, divide it by 2. In this case, 99 รท 2 = 49 remainder 1.

4. Since the remainder is 1, the sum of 13 + 45 + 24 + 17 is odd.

Therefore, the sum of 13 + 45 + 24 + 17 is an odd number.