The data in the scatterplot below are an individual' s weight and time it takes ( in seconds) on a tredmill to raise their pulse rate to 140 per minute. The o' s correspond to females and the +'s to males.

Incomplete post.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any scatterplot attached to your question. However, I can still help you understand the concept of scatterplots and interpreting them.

A scatterplot is a graphical representation of data points in a Cartesian coordinate system. It is commonly used to display the relationship between two variables. One variable is represented on the x-axis, and the other variable is represented on the y-axis.

In the context you provided, the scatterplot displays the weight (presumably on the x-axis) and the time it takes to raise the pulse rate to 140 per minute (presumably on the y-axis) for individuals using a treadmill. Additionally, the genders are differentiated with o's representing females and +'s representing males.

By examining the scatterplot, you can observe the patterns or trends that may exist between weight and time. For example, if the points appear to form a clear trend line, it suggests a correlation between weight and the time to raise the pulse rate.

To interpret the scatterplot effectively, you can analyze the overall distribution of the data points, the shape of the scatter, and the direction of any possible trend. However, without a visual representation, it is challenging to provide a more specific interpretation.