Which statement about scientific question is true?

a. Scientific Questions should avoid bias
b. Scientific Questions should be as general as possible

The correct statement is: a. Scientific questions should avoid bias.

When formulating a scientific question, it is essential to avoid bias. Bias refers to any preconceived notions, assumptions, or personal beliefs that might influence the question and its subsequent investigation. Scientific inquiry requires objectivity and impartiality to achieve reliable and accurate results.

To create a scientific question that avoids bias, consider the following steps:

1. Start with a general topic of interest: Begin by identifying a broad area or phenomenon that you want to investigate. For example, instead of asking, "Does drinking coffee cause cancer?" a general topic could be "The effects of coffee consumption on health."

2. Break down the topic into specific variables: Identify the specific variables or factors within the general topic that you want to examine. In the case of coffee consumption and health, variables to consider could be the amount of coffee consumed per day, the duration of consumption, and potential health impacts on different organs or systems.

3. Phrase the question neutrally: Craft the scientific question in a way that is neutral and unbiased. For example, a biased question would be, "Does excessive coffee drinking lead to heart disease?" Instead, reframe the question to remove bias, such as, "What are the potential health effects associated with long-term coffee consumption?"

By following these steps, you can create a scientific question that encourages objective investigation, free from personal biases or preconceived notions. This approach contributes to the integrity and validity of scientific research.

The correct statement is:

a. Scientific Questions should avoid bias

They must be proven.