Your team has won 80% of its games. How many games was played if your team won 20?

.8x = 20

Solve for x.


To determine the total number of games played, you can use a proportion based on the win rate. Here's how:

Step 1: Set up a proportion.
Let's say "x" represents the total number of games played.
The proportion can be set up as follows:
(20 wins) / (x total games) = 80% / 100%

Step 2: Simplify the proportion.
To simplify the proportion, convert 80% to decimal form by dividing it by 100.
(20 / x) = (0.80 / 1)

Step 3: Cross-multiply and solve for "x."
Cross-multiplying gives us:
0.80 * 20 = 1 * x

Simplifying further:
16 = x

Therefore, your team played a total of 16 games.