
To find the value of 'c' in the given equations UV = 3c + 29, VW = -2 - 4, and UW = -4c, we can use the method of substitution. Here's how we can solve it step by step:

1. Let's start by rearranging the equations to isolate 'c' on one side.

UV = 3c + 29 ----> Equation 1
VW = -2 - 4 ----> Equation 2
UW = -4c ----> Equation 3

2. Looking at Equation 2, VW = -2 - 4, we can simplify it.
VW = -6

3. Now, let's substitute the values back into Equation 1 and Equation 3.

UV = 3c + 29 ----> Equation 1
VW = -6
UW = -4c ----> Equation 3

4. Substitute VW = -6 and UW = -4c into Equation 1.

-6 = 3c + 29

Simplify the equation:

-6 - 29 = 3c

-35 = 3c

5. Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for 'c'.

c = (-35) / 3


c ≈ -11.67

So, the value of 'c' is approximately -11.67.