what is the literary device used in the statement?

former indonesian president suharto was sometimes referred to as a puppet master.

It looks like name-calling.

The literary device used in the given statement is a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another by stating that it is that thing. In this case, the former Indonesian president Suharto is compared to a puppet master, suggesting that he had control and influence over the political events in Indonesia.

To identify the literary device used in a statement, you can look for comparisons that go beyond their literal meaning. Metaphors often use direct comparisons without using words such as "like" or "as." In this statement, the comparison between Suharto and a puppet master is implied, as the statement does not explicitly state that he actually controlled events like a puppet master controls puppets.

Understanding literary devices in statements can be achieved through analyzing the figurative language being used and identifying comparisons, associations, or symbolism. Close attention to the words and their meanings can help uncover the intended literary devices.