last month bill's electric bill was $80.77. This month , bill bill was $69.06. what is the%degrease

degrease? You sure it's electric, and not plumbing?

the decrease is 80.77-69.06 = 11.71

as a percent of the bill, 11.71/80.77 = .1449 = 14.49%

%decrease=(decrement / initial)x 100

=(80.77-69.06)/80.77 x 100
=11.71/80.77 x100

To calculate the percentage decrease in Bill's electric bill, you can use the following formula:

Percentage decrease = (Difference in values / Original value) * 100

First, find the difference in values by subtracting the new bill amount from the original bill amount:

Difference in values = $80.77 - $69.06

Next, divide the difference by the original value and multiply by 100 to calculate the percentage decrease:

Percentage decrease = (Difference in values / $80.77) * 100

Now, let's calculate the percentage decrease:

Difference in values = $80.77 - $69.06 = $11.71

Percentage decrease = (11.71 / 80.77) * 100 ≈ 14.49%

Therefore, the electric bill has decreased by approximately 14.49%.

To find the percentage decrease, you would need to calculate the difference between the two amounts, divide that by the initial amount, and then multiply by 100. Here's how you can do it:

1. Calculate the difference between the two amounts:
Difference = $80.77 - $69.06 = $11.71

2. Divide the difference by the initial amount:
Decrease = Difference / Initial amount = $11.71 / $80.77

3. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage:
Percentage decrease = Decrease * 100

By performing the calculations, the percentage decrease would be approximately 14.49%.