which of these is not like the others

1.John Winthrop
2.James Oglethorpe
3.William Penn
4.Roger Williams

I think that it would be John Winthrop because all the rest started colonies which later became state names but i don't think that is sufficient evidence

I think your reason is correct, but your answer is wrong.


Hmmmm. John Wintrop was a on of the founders of Mass.

Roger Willisms, Wm Penn, and Winthrop all were "colonists". Oglethorpe was a blue blood loyal British Subject to the end.

To determine which of the four individuals is not like the others, you need to analyze their similarities and differences further. Here's a breakdown of their backgrounds:

1. John Winthrop: He was a prominent English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the early 17th century.
2. James Oglethorpe: He was a British philanthropist and military officer who founded the colony of Georgia in the 18th century as a place for debtors and to create a buffer between the British colonies and Spanish Florida.
3. William Penn: He was an English Quaker and the founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, later Pennsylvania, which became a key example of religious freedom and self-government.
4. Roger Williams: He was a Puritan theologian and minister who founded the colony of Rhode Island with a focus on religious freedom and the separation of church and state.

Now, let's compare them based on your initial observation that the other three individuals started colonies that later became state names. While it is true that Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island are all state names, it is important to note that Massachusetts Bay Colony, where John Winthrop played a significant role, also became the state of Massachusetts.

Therefore, your initial argument that John Winthrop is different from the others solely based on colony-to-state transformations is not enough to determine the odd one out. Instead, we need to consider other factors such as their motivations, religious affiliations, or political views.

To make a more informed decision, it would be helpful to conduct further research on each individual's respective colony, their objectives, and their impact on history. By examining their differences in more detail, you will be able to identify the one who stands out from the group.