a=7-3a. for example 2=7-3(2)=1. if 6-x=2-x, find the value of x. the problem i am having is that the first a is in a square box and the first 2 is in a squre box. so does 6 and -x in a square box. I am not sure what the boxes represent?

The square boxes you mentioned are likely indicating parentheses, which are used to group terms together in an equation. In the given equation 6-x=2-x, the parentheses around -x are unnecessary for this specific equation, as subtracting x from both sides of the equation does not require them. So, we can rewrite the equation as 6 - x = 2 - x.

To find the value of x in this equation, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation. Let's do this step-by-step:

1. Start with the equation: 6 - x = 2 - x
2. Notice that both sides of the equation already have an x term, so we can eliminate it by subtracting x from both sides.
3. Subtract x from each side of the equation: 6 - x - x = 2 - x - x
Simplifying both sides: 6 - 2x = 2 - 2x
4. At this point, we have the same term (-2x) on both sides of the equation. We can eliminate it by adding 2x to both sides.
5. Add 2x to each side of the equation: 6 - 2x + 2x = 2 - 2x + 2x
Simplifying both sides: 6 = 2
6. Now, we have reached a contradiction. 6 and 2 are not equal. Therefore, there is no solution for x in this equation.

In summary, the equation 6-x=2-x has no solution for x, as it leads to a contradiction.