

Can you help us with the work to solve the problem, we have a lot more of this type question . Thank you


assuming you meant it as written,

clear fractions first to make things easy. multiply both sides by 63:

42(7x + 6/7) = -160

now clear parentheses:

294x + 36 = -160

now collect terms so all the x's are on one side, and numbers on the other:

294x = -196

now divide by 294 and reduce fraction to lowest terms:

x = -2/3

Thank you for the break down, have a lot more to do...

To solve the given equation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the fraction outside the parenthesis to the terms inside the parenthesis:
(2/3) * (7x) + (2/3) * (6/7) = -160/63

This simplifies the equation to:
(14x/3) + (12/21) = -160/63

Step 2: Simplify the fractions:
(14x/3) + (2/3) = -160/63

Step 3: Combine the fractions on the left side of the equation:
(14x + 2)/3 = -160/63

Step 4: Cross multiply:
63 * (14x + 2) = -160 * 3

Simplify the equation:
882x + 126 = -480

Step 5: Isolate the variable by subtracting 126 from both sides:
882x = -480 - 126
882x = -606

Step 6: Divide both sides by 882 to solve for x:
x = -606/882

Step 7: Simplify the fraction or decimal as needed:
x ≈ -0.6875 or x ≈ -11/16

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x ≈ -0.6875 or x ≈ -11/16.