Two trains are traveling the same direction, train a is going 60 mph and train b is going 70 mph, after one hour how long will it take train a to reach the point train b was at the hour marker.

To find out the time it will take for train A to reach the point where train B was at the hour marker, we need to compare their distances.

Since train B has been traveling for one hour at a speed of 70 mph, it has covered a distance of 70 miles.

On the other hand, train A has been traveling for one hour at a speed of 60 mph. To find the distance it has covered, we multiply the speed by the time: 60 mph * 1 hour = 60 miles.

Therefore, train A is 60 miles behind train B after one hour.

To determine the time it will take for train A to catch up to train B, we need to calculate the relative speed between the two trains. Subtracting the speed of train A from the speed of train B, we get: 70 mph - 60 mph = 10 mph.

Now, to find the time it takes for train A to cover the remaining 60 miles and catch up to train B, we divide the distance by the relative speed: 60 miles / 10 mph = 6 hours.

So, it will take train A 6 more hours to reach the point where train B was at the hour marker.